ROR (Rujeolă-Oreion-Rubeolă)

Ce nu ştiaţi despre vaccinuri

– Este unul din cele mai periculoase vaccinuri. Declarativ, scopul său este prevenirea unor afecţiuni ale copilăriei, banale, iar efectele sale adverse sunt boli incurabile grave, pe viaţă. Sunt studii serioase care arata că acest vaccin poate cauza autism, diabet, sindrom Guillain-Barre si alte boli autoimune si neurologice incurabile:vaccine-stamp

  •  autism (F. Edward Yazbak, MD -“Autism: Is there a vaccine connection?”- FAAP, 1999; Avinoam Shuper, MD – “Suspected measles-mumps-rubella vaccine-related encephalitis”- Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 15 sept. 2010)
  • diabet (tip I), pancreatită  (Harris Coulter, Ph.D.- “Childhood Vaccinations and Juvenile-Onset (Type-1) Diabetes” )
  •  Sindromul Guillain-Barré; (Grose C, Spigland I.-“Guillain-Barré syndrome following administration of live measles vaccine”- American Journal of Medicine, 1976 Mar;60(3):441-3)
  •  encefalita, convulsii febrile, reactii anafilactice, purpura trombocitopenica, sindrom Kawasaki, eritem multiform, artrite, meningita, nevrite periferice, mielite, bronsita, laringita, conjunctivite, otita, anorexie, febra, voma, insomnie (cf. prospectului vaccinului ROR , varianta PRIORIX)

– Riscul bolilor de mai sus este pretul ce trebuie platit pentru a feri un copil de cateva boli inofensive ale copilariei : rubeola, oreionul si rujeola.

– Daca un copil face aceste boli in copilarie va face imunitate naturala pe viata pentru ele. Daca se vaccineaza cu ROR imunitatea conferita este una limitata, maxim 9 ani (cf. prospect) .

– Stiind ca vaccinarea se face la un an si la 7 ani, asta inseamna ca imunitatea se termina la 16 ani. Aceste boli (rubeola, oreionul si rujeola) au complicatii de temut  la varste post pubertare cum ar fi, spre exemplu orheita urliana post-oreion la barbati care da sterilitate masculina, sau la femei rujeola si rubeola in sarcina cu efecte cumplit asupra copilului intrauterin. Daca sunt vaccinati imunitatea se termina exact cand sunt mai periculoase comlicatiile acestor boli.

– Despre ROR, doamna doctor Christa Todea-Gross a scris cateva articole edificatoare:

dr. Mircea Puscasu

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18 răspunsuri la „ROR (Rujeolă-Oreion-Rubeolă): Ce nu ştiaţi despre vaccinuri”

  1. […] ROR (Rujeolă-Oreion-Rubeolă): Ce nu ştiaţi despre vaccinuri […]


  2. Dar de ce nimic despre complicatiile rujeolei?.

    Most complications of measles occur because the measles virus suppresses the host’s immune responses, resulting in a reactivation of latent infections or superinfection by a bacterial pathogen. Consequently, pneumonia, whether due to the measles virus itself, to tuberculosis, to or another bacterial etiology, is the most frequent complication. Pleural effusion, hilar lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, hyperesthesia, and paresthesia may also be noted.

    Complications of measles are more likely to occur in persons younger than 5 years or older than 20 years, and complication rates are increased in persons with immune deficiency disorders, malnutrition, vitamin A deficiency, and inadequate vaccination. Immunocompromised children and adults are at increased risk for severe infections and superinfections.

    Common infectious complications include otitis media, interstitial pneumonitis,[19] bronchopneumonia, laryngotracheobronchitis (ie, croup), exacerbation of tuberculosis, transient loss of hypersensitivity reaction to tuberculin skin test, encephalomyelitis, diarrhea, sinusitis, stomatitis, subclinical hepatitis, lymphadenitis, and keratitis, which can lead to blindness. In fact, measles remains a common cause of blindness in many developing countries.

    Rare complications include hemorrhagic measles, purpura fulminans, hepatitis, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), thrombocytopenia, appendicitis, ileocolitis, pericarditis, myocarditis, acute pancreatitis,[20] and hypocalcemia.[21] Transient hepatitis may occur during an acute infection.

    Approximately 1 of every 1,000 patients develops acute encephalitis, which often results in permanent brain damage and is fatal in about 10% of patients. In children with lymphoid malignant diseases, delayed-acute measles encephalitis may develop 1-6 months after the acute infection and is generally fatal.

    An even rarer complication is SSPE, a degenerative CNS disease that can result from a persistent measles infection. SSPE is characterized by the onset of behavioral and intellectual deterioration and seizures years after an acute infection (the mean incubation period for SSPE is approximately 10.8 years).

    The complications of measles in the pregnant mother include pneumonitis, hepatitis, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, premature labor, spontaneous abortion, and preterm birth of the fetus. Perinatal transmission rates are low.

    Sau ale oreionului?

    Thyroiditis, a diffuse, tender swelling of the thyroid gland, may occur about 1 week after parotitis. Antithyroid antibodies are detected in the serum.

    Pancreatitis is a severe but, fortunately, rare manifestation. A sudden onset of epigastric pain and tenderness occurs, accompanied by fever, chills, nausea, and vomiting. The patient generally recovers completely within 1 week.

    Orchitis can occur in up to 50% of postpubertal males, and as many as 30% have bilateral involvement.[16] Orchitis presents acutely with fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and lower abdominal pain. After the fever, the testes begin to rapidly swell. The size increase can be minimal or as much as 4 times normal size. As the fever decreases, the pain and edema subside. Loss of turgor is noticed, with as many as 50% of cases demonstrating atrophy.

    Oophoritis in postpubertal females is associated with abdominal and/or pelvic pain and tenderness.

    Parotitis may appear simultaneously with the primary neuron infection, or it may appear 10 days after the parotitis in the postinfection type.

    Mumps is a common cause of aseptic meningitis, which usually is indistinguishable from other causes, such as enteroviruses, herpesviruses, or poxviruses. (The CSF has less than 500 cells/µL, mostly lymphocytes). Encephalitis, a frequent complication in childhood, is due to a primary infection of the neurons and/or postinfection encephalitis with demyelination.

    Sau despre efectele teratogene ale rubeolei?

    Dr. H..


  3. […] ROR (Rujeolă-Oreion-Rubeolă): Ce nu ştiaţi despre vaccinuri […]


  4. Sunt in Germania si for sa Fata fetitei Melek de 6ani urmatoarele vaccinuri si nu situ ce sunt.Va rog sa am ajutati Mastern,mumps,roteln asta e Ror? Si difterie,tetanus si pertussis 2.3.4


  5. […] ROR (Rujeolă-Oreion-Rubeolă): Ce nu ştiaţi despre vaccinuri […]


  6. […] ROR (Rujeolă-Oreion-Rubeolă): Ce nu ştiaţi despre vaccinuri […]


  7. […] ROR (Rujeolă-Oreion-Rubeolă): Ce nu ştiaţi despre vaccinuri […]


  8. […] câțiva ani (între 5 și 9 ani) de rujeolă, oreion și rubeolă, expunându-te în schimb la reacții adverse grave și ireversibile precum diabet tip II (autoimun), pancreatită, sindrom Guill… […]


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